Double Gold

Created by

  • Fabrizio Di Marzio -
level 1

Double your gelato pleasure with this lush chocolate caramel ice cream recipe. Callebaut ChocoGelato Gold delivers a deep caramelly taste with a little pinch of sea salt. Add in Callebaut ChocoCrema Gold and broken pieces of Callebaut Gold chocolate to create an exquisite caramel indulgence that will definitely make its mark in your shop!  

Recipe components

Double Gold

  • 1bag(s)
  • 2700g
    whole milk (70-85°C)
  • g

Mix together with immersion blender for ± 2 mins.
Leave to rest in refrigerator (3-5°C) for ± 30 mins.
Pour into batch freezer and start churning.
Leave to rest in blast freezer to obtain more stability and better structure.
4 kg (± 4.5 L) of gelato ready to serve.

Finishing & presentation

Mix with Callebaut ChocoCrema Gold to obtain marble effect.
Finish with broken pieces of Callebaut® Gold chocolate.