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How to work with Ruby RB1 in confectionery?

How to work with Ruby RB1 in bakery & patisserie?

How to work with Ruby RB1 in desserts?

The 4th chocolate is here, born from the Ruby cocoa bean.


Did you know that 7 out of 10 customers are willing to pay more at your shop for their favourite pastry or dessert? “And which ones?”, you’re probably wondering…

What will the future look like in 2020? What will consumers - and more specifically the new generation of spenders called millennials - find important in their everyday choices?... AND which choices will they make in picking your chocolate delights?

Did you know that 8 out of 10 visitors would consider ordering dessert or buying pastries if they were made with chocolate?

A new interactive way to explore chocolate taste and great pairing ideas.

A new interactive way to explore chocolate taste and great pairing ideas.

If you want to bring your customers chocolate sensations that are genuinely different in taste, it’s a great idea to experiment with Callebaut ’s Origin Chocolates.

Days are getting shorter. The first evening chill arrives. Isn't it a great time for a delicious cup of hot chocolate unlike any other? New: Origin Chocolates for Drinks!

Here’s a great way to give your customers a reason to celebrate every day. With Callebaut Chocolate Stars, you can easily turn your everyday delights into special treats for birthdays, anniversaries and holidays.

Trendwatching: slowcial

Disconnect from smartphone or tablet for a while. Take some time out for yourself and true experiences. That’s what ‘Slowcial’ is all about. Slower, better and nicer: a trend which consumers will embrace more in the years ahead of us.

Beanology™ chocolate pralines

In this Callebaut TV episode Chef Josep Ribé shows how the inspiration comes to life in the creation of 5 unique Beanology™ bonbons. He plays with cocoa pulp, fermented ingredients, roasted beans and much more to create his Beanology pralines. Each praline tells a part of the story – and immerses you in a wonderful taste experience.

Obtaining the perfect smoothness, shine, thickness and texture of your glaze is an art of its own. These videos will help you master the technique in no time.

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