Chocostick Gold

Created by

  • Ciro Fraddanno - Choco Gelato Chef, Chocolate Academy™ Milano
level 1

Who doesn’t love a caramel ice cream on the go? This gold chocolate gelato explodes with caramel taste and rich notes of toffee, butter, cream and an exciting dash of salt to enrich the taste even more. It’s dipped in Callebaut® Ice Chocolate Gold for a snappy crack with an amber-golden colour! Let customers crack, bite and enjoy the meltingly good side of chocolate gelato!

Yield: 4 kg (± 4.5 L) of gelato ready to serve

Recipe components

Chocostick Gold

  • 1bag(s)
  • 2600g
    whole milk (70-85°C)
  • ICE-42-GOLD

Mix well with an immersion blender (± 2 mins.). To achieve a better structure, leave to rest in the refrigerator (3-5°C) for ± 30 mins. Pour into batch freezer and start churning.
When the gelato leaves the batch freezer, fill the gelato stick moulds and leave to freeze.
After freezing: dip into Callebaut® Ice Chocolate Gold to enrobe with a rich, creamy and snappy chocolate layer.
Sprinkle immediately with gold dusted Mona Lisa® Meringue Crumbs, Callebaut® Crispearls™ Salted Caramel and optionally gold leaf to add an extra dash of luxury.

TIP: for a more indulgent taste sensation, pour a heart of liquid Callebaut® ChocoCrema Gold in the center of the stick moulds while assembling them.