How to temper chocolate

Want to create the perfect chocolate products? Then you simply need to temper or pre-crystallise your chocolate. Below you will discover several methods for chocolate tempering, as well as remedies for over- or undercrystallised chocolate. 

What is tempering and why is it needed?

Looking for a hard, crunchy and glossy finished product? Then you need to temper or precrystallise your chocolate!

Using the chocolate tempering machine

Ideal for large quantities of chocolate. With this method, you add Callets™ to obtain the right crystalline structure.

Tempering with cocoa butter

Adding just 1% of Mycryo is enough to pre-crystallise your chocolate. 

Tempering with Callets™

Fast, easy and incredibly efficient.

Tempering in the microwave

Tempering without the need to add any ingredients. Great for small amounts of chocolate.

Tabling chocolate

The most classic way to temper chocolate.
How does it work?

How to remedy undercrystallised chocolate

In case of insufficient stable crystals, your final product will display defects.

How to remedy overcrystallised chocolate

Working with chocolate that contains too many crystals will also cause problems.

Choosing the right viscosity

Callebaut offers a wide range of chocolate tastes in different fluidity levels, but which chocolate do you need for which application?

Choosing the right chocolate fluidity

To make your life easy, we clearly mention every chocolate's possible applications on the packaging. Learn how.