Praline filling for hand-dipped bonbons with ruby rb1

Created by

  • Ryan Stevenson - Baker, Paddock Bakery
level 1

Ruby pairs extremely well with a wide range of surprising ingredients, for instance sesame. This combination brings out the typical fruity and sour notes of ruby and adds a subtle, spicy twist that is loved by many.

Our chefs recommend to hand dip the fillings in ruby chocolate to create a ruby showstopper in your counter and to enhance the taste sensation.

Recipe components

ruby praline filling for hand-dipped bonbons

  • 215g
  • 33g
    glucose DE 60
  • 33g
  • 63g
  • 3g
  • 164g
    sesame paste ( tahini)


Melt. Add and emulsify.

Spread out evenly in frame. Leave to crystallise overnight before further processing.