Fountain Chocolate – Milk
The great milk chocolate dip for fruits, marshmallows and cakes

Creamy-caramelly milk chocolate – extra-fluid for long dipping pleasure

Milk chocolate for Fountains - 2.5kg Callets

Rich in cocoa, with extra cocoa butter.
Is there a greater joy for your customers to dip their fruits, cakes and marshmallows into a fluid well of indulgent chocolate taste. Fountain Chocolate – Milk is just perfect to spoil your customers with the creamy-caramelly indulgence of Callebaut®'s milk chocolate. Callebaut® enriches its Fountain Chocolate recipes with extra butter for a guaranteed fluidity in fountains and fondues over longer service times. 

Growing great chocolate

We believe that the success and future of our business depends directly on the future of cocoa cultivation and the cocoa farming communities. That’s why Callebaut® started the Growing Great Chocolate program in 2012.

Where to find?

Rich Cocoa, Amber Caramel, Creamy, Vanilla

How to Use

Simply melt at 45°C before pouring in fountains or fondues.

Main features

Remains very fluid in fountains and fondues.

  • % Min. % Dry cocoa solids37.8
  • % Min. % Dry milk solids19.4
  • % Fat %40.4
Origin of beans

To achieve a perfectly balanced and round ruby taste, we blend cocoa beans from Latin America and West Africa.

Available packagings

  • GM - CAL - CHM-N823FOUN 2.5kg Callets

Order code

  • CHM-N823FOUNUS-U76 *Callets™ |

Shelf life

  • 18 months


  • KD-
  • Halal