Recipe components

Chocolate financier

  • 250g
    beurre noisette
  • 500g
    equal quantities of ground almonds and icing sugar




Pipe into Flexipan® moulds and bake at 170°C for approximately 10 minutes. Leave to cool. Pipe Callebaut Dark Chocolate Mousse on top of the financier. Garnish with Grotine cherry.

Chocolate mousse

  • 1l
    semi-skimmed milk

Place in a kitchen aid bowl.

Sprinkle on top of the milk.

Using a balloon attachment, whisk ingredients together for 30 seconds. Stop the kitchen aid – scrape down all ingredients. Whisk for a further 3 minutes.
Store in a 5°C fridge until ready to use.

Finishing and presentation

Tools: a bottle top and acetate sheet. 
Precrystallise a batch of Callebaut 811 Finest Belgian Dark Chocolate. Place the acetate sheet on a flat surface. Dip the top of the bottle top in the prepared chocolate. Press lightly onto the acetate sheet. Now remove the bottle top from the acetate sheet. A rough textured circle will have been created. Allow to set at 12’C for a least one hour before final decoration. After one hour dust each circle with creative powder. Store until ready to use.