Almond and poppy seed cake

Created by

  • Bartłomiej Jarzyna - Pastry Chef at Cukiernia Jarzyna – Warsaw, Poland
level 2

Growing up in communist Poland, Bartlomiej Járzyna didn't have any choice of ingredients when he helped his dad in the family pastry shop. The wide range of flavours available today made him vow to not ever compromise when spoiling his fans in Poland with great taste. In this cake he pairs poppy seeds with almond and hazelnut flavours and white chocolate. Enjoy!

Recipe components

Poppy seed mass

  • 1750g
    poppy seed
  • Q.S.

Cook slowly for 2.5 hours, strain and leave to cool. Then grind very well.

  • 900g
    caster sugar

Add and grind. 

  • 200g
  • 700g

Mix together and add 

  • 250g

Mix and add. 

  • 10g
    almond essence
  • 10g
    vanilla sugar
  • 750ml
    egg white

Add and mix in well. 

Poppy seed crunch

  • 160g
    egg white
  • 40g
    Boiron candied orange zest

Mix together with 320g of the poppy mass.Then pour into 4 14-cm cake rings and bake at 180°C for 10 minutes.

Almond mousse

  • 200g

Bring to a boil. 

  • 6g
  • Q.S.

Soak and add to boiling cream. 

Mix into previous mixture. 

  • 360g

Whip and genty fold into previous mixture. 

White chocolate glaze

  • 320g
  • 640g
    caster sugar
  • 640g
    glucose syrup

Mix together and heat up to 105°C.

Put into high recipient, add boiling mixture to it and homogenise

with stick blender. Leave to rest in a refrigerator for 24 hours

and apply at 35°C.

Finishing and assembly:

Take a 16-cm cake ring, place a 14-cm ring of poppy seed crunch on the bottom and a 14-cm ring of crispy layer on top.

Cover with a layer of almond mousse and place a second 14-cm ring of poppy seed crunch on top. Cover with another

layer of almond mousse and freeze. Unmould and cover with white chocolate glaze. Decorate to the taste with gold

powder-covered poppy seeds, nuts and decorations.