Dark chocolate florentines

Created by

  • Marc Ducobu - Founder and Owner of Pâtisserie Ducobu, Belgium
level 1

Caramelised fruits, nuts and chocolate always make a great pairing. In this recipe, the buttery, creamy caramel is freshened up with cherries and orange zest. The dark chocolate base gives it a lovely snap and intensifies the taste sensation.

Recipe components


  • 1000g
    caster sugar
  • 1000g
  • 200g
  • 200g
  • 1000g
    orange peel slices
  • 200g
    glacé cherries
  • 1000g
    flaked almonds

Boil the sugar, fresh cream, butter and glucose for 2 minutes until golden brown. Mix the orange peel, glacé cherries and flaked almonds. Arrange in round Silpats. Cook at 200°C.

Finishing and preparation


Place the Florentines on a disc of Sao Tomé chocolate.