Ruby Stracciatella

Created by

  • Fabrizio Di Marzio -
level 1

Want to spice up your ruby RB1 gelato recipes? We’ve got you covered. Mix your ice cream and deep-frozen desserts with Callebaut® Ice Chocolate ruby RB1 for a unique, fruity texture and a hard, snappy crack that just keeps your customers coming back for more! It’s a mesmerizing combination of acidity and freshness that will attract any authentic Italian ice cream lover to your store!

Yield: 4 kg (± 4.5 L) of gelato ready to serve

Recipe components

Ruby Stracciatella


Mix well with an immersion blender (± 2 mins.). To achieve a better structure, leave to rest in the refrigerator (3-5°C) for ± 30 mins. Pour into batch freezer and start churning.
When the gelato leaves the batch freezer, fill half the gelato container and mix with Callebaut® Ice Chocolate ruby RB1. Fill the rest of the gelato container with gelato and mix in Callebaut® Ice Chocolate ruby RB1. Leave to rest in the blast freezer for a few mins.