811 Chocolate Gelato

Created by

  • Fabrizio Di Marzio -
level 1

Why wouldn’t you want to spoil customers with one of the most-loved chocolates in the world? This luxurious 811 recipe contains 64.5% cocoa solids and has a very round, balanced taste with rich notes of roasted cocoa. Its well-rounded taste pairs perfectly with a wide variety fruits and spices. Decorate this real Italian ice cream with Callebaut Crispearls and pieces of gold leaf for a finish that will attract consumers to your counter.   

Recipe components

811 Chocolate Gelato


Mix together with immersion blender for ± 2 mins.
Leave to rest in refrigerator (3-5°C) for ± 30 mins.
Pour into batch freezer and start churning.
Leave to rest in blast freezer to obtain more stability and better structure.
4 kg (± 4.5 L) of gelato ready to serve.

Finishing & presentation:

Decorate with pieces of Callebaut Crispearls.
Top off with pieces of gold leaf.