Dark chocolate cake infused with earl grey

level 2

The key to great chocolate is balancing out the flavours in it. The same is true for layered cake. For the ultimate layered cake, I’ve chosen to work with 811 dark chocolate. Its balanced cocoa profile doesn’t overpower the notes of earl grey tea in the mousse. It’s perfect.

Recipe components

Chocolate sheet sponge

  • 40g
    all-purpose flour
  • 40g

Sieve together.

  • 70g
    egg yolks
  • 170g
    whole egg(s)
  • 130g
    caster sugar

Whisk into a sabayon.

  • 110g
    egg white
  • 50g
    caster sugar

Whisk into a stiff foam and gently fold into previous mixture. Then fold in
sieved flours. Cook in 60 x 40 cm tray at 180°C for 10 minutes.

Chocolate mousse infused with earl grey tea

  • 115g
    3.6% full cream milk

Heat up to 60°C.

  • 5g
    Earl Grey tea

Add to milk and leave to infuse for 8 minutes.

Melt chocolate and strain tea infusion onto it. Stir and cool to 35-40°C.Melt chocolate and strain tea infusion onto it. Stir and cool to 35-40°C.

  • 350g
    half whipped cream 35%

Whisk one third of cream into previous mixture. Fold in the remaining
two thirds. Layer with the sheet sponge in a 25 x 25 cm cake tin and freeze.

  • Q.S.

Glaze and cut into slices.