White chocolate mousseline and pistachio financier

Created by

  • Axel Sachem - Callebaut® Chocolate Ambassador Belgium
level 2

White chocolate is a wonderful tastemaker for spring and summer desserts. In this recipe, our chefs created a light and flavoursome mousse. They combined it with a pistachio financier for the lovely bite and dense texture. You can add fruits like banana or apricot to complete the flavour sensation.

White chocolate mousseline and pistachio financier

Recipe components

Sand pastry with pistachio nuts

  • 130g
    egg yolks
  • 260g

Beat until the mixture turns white.

  • 260g
    salted butter
  • 10g
    concentrated vanilla extract
  • 50g
  • 100g
    Pistachio paste

Add and beat.

  • 10g
    baking powder
  • 400g

Sift together and blend in. Knead to achieve a homogeneous batter.

Fill the Demarle Flexipan moulds (ref. 1054) with a pastry bag equipped with an 8 mm-diameter tip. Bake for 18 to 20 minutes at 160°C.

White chocolate mousseline

  • 375g
  • 1pod(s)
    vanilla bean


  • 105g
    egg yolks
  • 90g
    granulated sugar
  • 33g
    corn starch

Mix and add to the milk. Bring to the consistency of a thin custard.

Mix and pour the thin custard on top. Mix and allow to cool.

  • 500g
    whipped cream

Blend in 40%.

Use a pastry bag to make a quenelle or spiral out of the white chocolate mousseline. Decorate with an apricot (or banana) baked in butter and a few vanilla pods. Finish with white chocolate decoration and a few leaves of mint.