How to get your business ready for the reality of


Download the FREE handbook with ideas, recommendations and guidance on how you can adapt your bakery, pastry, restaurant or sweet business to get through the COVID-19 storm. The handbook will be updated regularly – based on new insights and the changing business reality.

Download your FREE copy ↘


Keeping your business up and running, and organizing that in a safe way is not easy. Below we bundle frequently asked questions and a few recommendation and best practices that might help you in organising it in a safe way!

Ask us your question:
Send us your question through Callebaut contact, Instagram or Facebook messenger
We’ll add it to the Q&A and will notify you about the answer.


take away

food safety




Yes - there are! And we invite you to join them right now!

This platform is open for pastry, chocolate, bakery or gelato shops to promote their businesses and bring joyful food products to local communities. You can register and join the platform here.

Is your business open? Post on your wall or in stories what you’re offering and hashtag #SHARECHOCOLATELOVE and tag @callebautchocolate.
We re-share your posts or stories on our wall, reaching a broad community!


Every week, our chefs will feature in Instagram chat sessions where they’ll demonstrate a recipe. The chat is open for all your questions on recipes, techniques, or any questions related to getting your business up and running during these tough times.


Join the Universal Chefs’ Chain
Today, it’s more important than ever to stick together! Are you open? Working at home? Let us know how you’re doing. Post your image and a message to the world here.



Communicating to your customers about the measure you are taking is essential. They want and need to be reassured that the products they purchase are safe and made with all relevant precautionary measures.


We recommend to communicate this on all your available channels:

  • The homepage of your website
  • Your social media channels
  • Your shop window and inside the shop

Be clear, short and specific on what you do. For instance:



Our kitchen staff wears protective gloves
and mouth masks

Our bakery items are baked at min 180°C

We clean table tops and trays
every 15 minutes

Only touch the products you buy!
Wear disposable gloves.

Keep 1.5 m distance while shopping.

Thank you for respecting our staff’s instructions
upon waiting/entering the shop


* In case of dietary restrictions or questions: ask our staff!

