Bitter chocolate mousse with ChocRocks™

Created by

  • Alexandre Bourdeaux - Ambassador Chocolate Academy Benelux
level 1

This simple chocolate mousse recipe yields an intense-flavoured dark chocolate mousse with a smooth, airy texture that feels deliciously creamy to the palate. Enriched with dark chocolate ChocRocks™ inclusions, this rich dessert has a delicious bite to it that will keep your customers’ attention riveted with every spoonful they taste.

Recipe components

Bitter chocolate mousse with ChocRocks™


Melt at 45°C.

  • 100g
    egg yolks
  • 33g
    whole egg(s)
  • 100g
    caster sugar

Poach together at 60°C and make a pâte à bombe.

  • 532g
    35% cream

Whip until 3/4 stiff. Mix melted chocolate with 1/4 of the whipped cream to obtain a ganache. Gently fold in the pâte à bombe followed by the remaining whipped cream.

  • 120g

Mix in.