Brazilian leaf

Created by

  • Bertrand Busquet - Lead Chef South LATAM e Head da Chocolate Academy™ São Paulo
level 2

To conclude my Brazilian bean to bar story, I invite you to discover a living, breathing ingredient that tastes just like lemon grass: the saúva ant. It proudly holds its ground on top of a dark chocolate bonbon filled with black mate tea ganache. This one’s for the adventurous spirits.

Recipe components

Lime, black mate tea ganache

  • 127g
    35% cream
  • 9g
    black mate tea
  • 9g

Mix and leave to infuse

  • 22g
  • 35g
    sorbitol powder
  • 20g
    invert sugar
  • 20g
    invert sugar
  • 25g
  • 1g

Add to 127 g of previous mixture and heat up to over 75°C.

  • 100g
    lime juice

Heat up to over 75°C and add to previous mixture. Cool down to 40°C.

Melt at 30°C and pour previous mixture over it. Emulsify.



Mould chocolate shell and pipe ganache into it. Close shell and unmould.
Decorate with ant.