Ruby báze na zmrzlinu

level 1

Here’s a brand new ice cream to spoil the taste buds of your guests. With ruby ice cream, you can have them indulge in a fruity refreshment with sour notes, a perfect end to dinner. To preserve the natural ruby taste and colour, the chefs worked with yoghurt. Yoghurt adds some acidity which you need to prevent the colour from fading. On top, yoghurt pairs very well with the taste of ruby and guarantees light and sensual taste experience.

Suroviny v receptu

Ingredience Callebaut®

Ruby báze na zmrzlinu

  • 299g
  • 299g
  • 45g

Ohřejte na 40 stupňů.

  • 60g
  • 12g
    sušená glukóza 40DE
  • 6g

Přidejte a pasterizujte.

Důkladně promíchejte a nechte vychladnout.

  • 120g
    malinové pyré

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